(這篇文章已經被閱讀了 5107 次) 時間:2006/05/11 11:14am 來源:hmyb8715015






cscr |
發表於: 2006/05/11 11:30am
Pseudobagrus brevianalis, I guess. |
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hmyb8715015 |
發表於: 2006/05/11 12:26pm
這隻我不會~ Pseudobagrus brevianalis brevianalis Pseudobagrus brevianalis taiwanensis 這兩隻真的分不太出來令人滿疼痛的 這隻採集地點在桃園地區 有其他的辨別方式嗎? 還是需要其他的細部特徵呢?
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cscr |
發表於: 2006/05/11 04:13pm
[這篇文章最後由cscr在 2006/05/12 02:27am 第 3 次編輯]
Usually, fishes of the tremendously diverse group Bagridae are grossly separated by several major distinct traits(eg. bare occipital bone, number of barbels, forked or truncated caudal fin......) into distinct genus - a relatively simple work for ichthyologists.
But the subsequent work to furtherly divide specimens into respective species is both laborious and less convincing!
This is largely due to the fact that species-level diagnostic features in this group are mainly morphometric(highly variable and easily distorted in the process of specimen preservation), too often decisions based on such traits are either imprecise or arbitrary, thus it is not so easy to judge the exact identy of your Pseudobagrus, even for a seasoned specialist!
You can refer to the newly published "Fishes of the World" 4th edition, for a general description of this group of fishes, if a further konwledge is dictated, another comprehensive monograph by Mo. T. may be helpful.
Mo, T: Anatomy, relationships and systematics of the Bagridae (Teleostei: Siluroidei)-with a hypothesis of siluroid phylogeny. Theses Zoologicae 17, Konigstein: Koeltz Scientific Books, 1991
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台灣鬥魚王 |
發表於: 2006/05/11 08:25pm
酯桅(3角姑)就這兩種顏色~~~黃的比較少~黑的比較多~~~体徵個人不了解~通常只看体色 |
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hmyb8715015 |
發表於: 2006/05/12 10:35am
沒錯滿實用的 我想這又回到了種的定義應該為何? 只是外部型態不同即可分成一個獨立的種嗎? 還是應該達到生殖隔離才可定義為一個有效種呢? 我想種的定義應該需要在嚴謹些 未達到種的地步.應該僅歸類於"型"吧!
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尖嘴仔車栓子 |
發表於: 2006/05/22 10:38pm
三角哥~我釣到的數量很多~不過我都釣到ㄉ幾乎是黃色種ㄉㄟ!也因為他本身ㄉ體型不大所以我都釣起來就放生居多~黑色種類我在石岡壩釣到時還以為是小土虱仔哩!後來才知道是不同顏色而已! |
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台灣鬥魚王 |
發表於: 2006/05/27 06:01pm
看地點~地點比例 |
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台灣白魚痴 |
發表於: 2006/05/27 10:36pm
這種魚危類的分辨的確是高難度的.不過我想知道的台灣這種魚危有幾種呢?有人說兩種 也有人說三種總之先了解在台灣到底有幾種呢?如何由型態分辨呢? |
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hero8479 |
發表於: 2006/05/27 11:43pm
以個人潛見大概分為三個型..以圖片這隻的背鰭 來看比較短.這隻是短臀峗.背鰭脫比較長身體也長.是脂峗貝鰭退化識有識無是臺灣鮰 |
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hmyb8715015 |
發表於: 2006/05/29 01:46pm
參照台灣淡水與河口魚類誌 目前有學名的有3種 分別為脂鮠.短臀鮠.與台灣鮠 型態上大約都很相似
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f8510026 |
發表於: 2006/05/31 12:02pm
我印象中好像是要數臀鰭上面鰭棘的數量吧 不過我忘記哪一個比較多那個比較少了
錯了別打我~~~ |
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