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¬î¼½ ¬Kµ²ªG ¶Àª÷²ù (Golden berry) http://seeds.thompson-morgan.com/uk/en//product/888/1/float
 ¦¨ªø´Á 75 ¤Ñ Description: A delicious and easy to grow dessert member of the tomato family, producing orange berries up to 3cm (tin) across which are a tangy sweet mixture of pineapple and strawberry. Each fruit is enclosed in a papery Chinese lantern-like casing. Delicious on their own, topped with fresh cream, or made into jams, pie fillings etc. Grow like bush tomatoes. Will crop outdoors in the south in a sunny sheltered site, otherwise best in a cool greenhouse. »¡©ú : ¦n¦Y®e©ö®â´ÓªºX¬ì¤ôªG,ªG¹ê¬ù¤T¤½¤À,¦³±j¯P»ñ±ù²V¦X¯ó²ùªº»¨ý²¢¨ý,¨C¤@ªG¹ê¥]»q¦b¹³¤¤°ê¿OÅ¢ªºÁ¡´ß¸Ì,¨É¥Î¦ÛµM²¢¨ý©Î¥i¥[¤W·sÂA¥¤ªo©Î°µ¦¨ªGÂæ©Î°µ¬£,·|ªø¦¨¹³¿»X¤@¼Ë¾ðÂO,ºØ¦b«n¤è¦³¥b¾B¶§³B©Î·Å«Ç¸Ì. Sowing Instructions: Sow as early as you can from late winter/early spring 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in a good seed compost. Germination usually takes 10-21 days at 18-20C (65-70F). Grow on at around 16C (60F). ¼·ºØ: ±ß¥V¦Ü¦¬K ÂФg1.5mm ²`, µoªÞ¬ù 10-21 ¤Ñ (18-20C), ¾Aªø·Å«× 16C Growing Instructions: Plant out into free draining compost 90cm (3ft) apart and pinch out the growing point when 30-38cm (12-15in) tall. Train the side shoots produced up strings and after the 2nd and 3rd batch of flowers pinch out the growing point to encourage more sub laterals. Alternatively after the 1st pinching out leave unpruned when they will make a wide bush. ºØ´Ó: ºØ¦b±Æ¤ô¨}¦nªÎ¨U¤g¦a, 90¤½¤À´Ó¶Z(¶¡¹j), ·í 30-38 ¤½¤À®É°ªºK¤ß, ¬°¤ÀªK¥ß¤ä¬W, ²Ä¤G¤T§åªá´Á«áºK¤ßÅý¤ÀªK¦¨ªø,©ÎºK¤ß¤@¦¸«áYªø¦¨¤@ÂO¤£»Ý¤G¦¸ºK¤ß. Aftercare Instructions: If planting outdoors harden off and plant out when all risk of frost is gone, and treat as above. They prefer full sun, a very sheltered spot and poor soil. Pick the fruit when the husk has gone brittle and brown and the fruit is yellow. Place in trays in a warm dry place. After a few days they will be fully ripe, golden brown and sticky to the touch. ·ÓÅU: Á÷´Áµ²§ô®É©w´Ó,¦p¤Wz·ÓÅU,³ß¥þ¤é·Ó,·í¥~´ßÅܶÀÅÜ°®ªG¹êÅܶÀºK¤UªG¹ê,©ñ¦b½L¤l¸m©ó·Å·x°®Àê³B,´X¤Ñ«á·|¼ôÅܪ÷¶À©M¦³ÂH²G¦bªG¹ê¥~ªí¨Ã»¨ý¥|¶h,¦n¦n¦Y³á.
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