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 * ¤å³¹¥DÃD¡G [ĬÅK¬ì] Cycas multipinnata   ¥»¤å³¹¦³°ÝÃD¡A¶Ç°eµu°T®§³ø§iµ¹ª©¥D  ¥[¨ì§Úªº³Ì·R&Ãöª`¥»¤å³¹  Åã¥Ü¥i¦C¦Lªºª©¥»  §â¥»¤å³¹¥[¨ì§Úªº³Ì·R   


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 Comparison Between Three Sources of The Description of Cycas multipinnata

(1) Flora of China
(3) The Cycad Pages

(1)Trunk almost subterranean, to 40 ¡Ñ 20 cm above ground;
(2)Trunk 20-40 cm tall, 10-20 cm in diam.
(3)Stems acaulescent, 14-25 cm diam. at narrowest point;

(1)bark brown-gray, scaly.
(3)Cataphylls narrowly triangular, soft, pilose, 40-60 mm long, articulated.

(1)Leaves 1(or 2), 3-pinnate, trullate in outline, flat, 3-7 m ¡Ñ 60-100 cm;
(2)Leaves 1 , rarely 2 , terminal , erect , up to 3.5 m long , 0.7 m wide ; pinnae tripinnate , trullate in outline
(3)1-2 leaves in crown. Leaves deep green, highly glossy, 200-400 cm long,

(1)petiole subterete, 1.5-2.5 m ¡Ñ 3-6 cm; spines 30-50 along each side, 3-6 cm apart, compressed conical, 3-5 mm;
(2)petiole subterete , upto 2 m long , 3 cm thick , spines about 40 pairs coming out from the base o nearly the terminal of the petiole , compressed-conical , 3-5 mm long , spaced at 3-5 cm on rachis
(3)Petiole 100-250 cm long (50-65% of total leaf), petiole glabrous, spinescent for 90-100% of length.

(1)primary leaflets in 12-22 pairs, longitudinally inserted at 60-90¢X to primary rachis, lanceolate, slightly "V"-shaped in cross section at 100-130¢X to rachis;
(2)12-18 opposite primary pinnae , spreading at an angle of 60-90¡¦ on main rachis , openly keeled in section at 100-130¡¦ on the rachis
(3)slightly keeled (opposing leaflets inserted at 120-150¢X on rachis), with 14-36 leaflets, with white tomentum shedding as leaf expands; rachis consistently terminated by paired leaflets.

(1)middle leaflets largest, 35-60 ¡Ñ 15-20 cm; basal and apical leaflets gradually shorter, 20-40 ¡Ñ 10-15 cm;
(2)primary pinnae lanceolate , the middle-lower pair longest , 35-45 cm long , 12-15 cm wide , the upward and the downward pairs gradually shorter , 15-30 cm long , 5-10 cm wide
(3)Median leaflets dichotomously branched, strongly discolorous, 400-600 mm long, 150-220 mm wide, inserted at 45-70¢X to rachis, 160-200 mm apart on rachis; Basal leaflets not gradually reducing to spines, 500-720 mm long.

(1)secondary leaflets flabellate or obtriangular, dichotomously (2 or)3-5-forked, 20-22 ¡Ñ 5-15 cm, with petiolule 0.5-5 cm;
(2)with 7-11 alternate secondary pinnae , openly keeled in section at 95-100¡¦ on secondary rachis ; secondary pinnae fan-shaped or obtriangulate , 10-18 cm long , 4-14 cm wide , (2-)3-5 dichotomous , forming a sympidium especially in the lower half , with a long petiolule (0.5-4.0 long)

(1)segments (ultimate leaflets) obovate-linear, regular, 7-12 ¡Ñ 1-2 cm, papery, midvein slightly elevated on both surfaces, base decurrent, glabrous, margin entire or somewhat wavy, apex shortly acuminate to caudate.
(2)leaflets (pinnules) coriaceous , obovate-liner , 7-12 cm long , 1.0-1.5 cm wide , apex acuminate , base angustate and decurrent for 1.5-4.0 cm , glossy deep green above , paler beneath , midrib slightly prominent on both surfaces , glabrescent beneath , margins entire or somewhat wavy
(3)section flat; margins flat; apex softly acuminate, not spinescent; midrib raised above, flat below.

(1)Pollen cones fusiform-cylindric, 15-23 ¡Ñ 4-6 cm; microsporophylls 1.2-2 cm ¡Ñ 8-10 mm, tomentose, apex acute.
(3)Pollen cones fusiform, cream, 25-40 cm long, 6-8 cm diam.; microsporophyll lamina soft, not dorsiventrally thickened, apex level or raised, apical spine absent.

(1)Megasporophylls 8-12 cm, brown tomentose, glabrescent; stalk ca. 4 cm; sterile blade triangular-ovate, 4-7 ¡Ñ 3-6.5 cm, deeply divided into 25-35 subulate lobes 1-3.5 cm; ovules 3-5 on each side of stalk.
(3)Megasporophylls 11-13 cm long, brown-tomentose; ovules 2-6, glabrous; lamina ovate, 60-70 mm long, 50-60 mm wide, deeply pectinate, with 20-22 soft lateral spines 30-40 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, apical spine distinct or not distinct from lateral spines, 30-40 mm long, 3-4 mm wide at base.

(1)Seeds 6-10, greenish to yellowish, obovoid, slightly compressed, 2.5-3.2 ¡Ñ 2.3-2.8 cm; sclerotesta finely verrucose, apex mucronate. Pollination Apr-May, seed maturity Oct-Nov.
(3)Seeds flattened-ovoid, 25 mm long, 21 mm wide; sarcotesta yellow, not pruinose, 2 mm thick; fibrous layer absent; sclerotesta verrucose. Spongy endocarp absent.











µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2019/10/09 06:46pm¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 4693 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 

 * ¾ðª¬¥Ø¿ý
¡@¥D¤å³¹¡G Comparison Between Three Sources of The Description of Cycas multipinnata(1) Flora of Chin ...   §@ªÌ¡GJuanFe 2019/10/09 
¡@¡@¦^ÂСG Pollen cone04/01/202004/17/202005/01/2020Microsporophylls05/01/2020----------------------- ...   §@ªÌ¡GJuanFe 2020/05/02 
¡@¡@¦^ÂСG ¬î¥Ð¬ñ¿OÇeÇKÇq   §@ªÌ¡GJuanFe 2024/08/25 


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