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--- Griffinia hyacinthina (/tbgweb/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=27&topic=430)

-- 作者: DJL
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 00:44am

I bumped into this cool plant in flower in a tropical forest close to Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.  The same photo has already been posted to the International Bulb Society web-site.  For habitat details of this species and information on other related species, please visit the IBS web-site at: http://www.bulbsociety.org.

-- 作者: charlot
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 00:59am

do you know you will kill many people when you posted this photos?:   )
So many Hippeastrum hybrids fan always want to buy the blue Amarilis(Hippeastrum ) and to cross them with the hybrids.Do not know this species can be pollen with Hippeastrum hybrids ?

-- 作者: DJL
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 01:16am


I suppose what the blue Amaryllis people refer to is Worsleya procera (previously known as Worlseya rayneri, Hippeastrum procerum, Amaryllis procera, or commonly known as "Empress of Brasil, etc. etc. etc.) which is endemic to two localities on the Organ Mountains in SE Brasil.  Griffinia is a sister genus closest to Worsleya, both are considered relics botanical gene pools left behind the diminishing Atlantic Rainforest once extending from south-eastern to north-eastern coastal Brasil.  

I am not aware of any attempts made for cross-breeding a Griffinia with Hippeastrum but it does not mean it is not worth a try?


-- 作者: payju
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:29am

我被殺了  :em09:


:em01:  :em04:  :em07:

-- 作者: sds
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 12:48pm



-- 作者: DAN
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 01:35pm


-- 作者: charlot
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 09:21pm

我知道還會有一堆人等著 被宰
這屬最近才從孤挺花中分出來基本上跟孤挺的 血緣是很接近的
她的 藍比那號稱藍色孤挺的Worlseya rayneri要藍的 多
Worlseya rayneri只是紫色的
不 過價錢好像讓人覺得它好像距離人世有好幾萬光年.........一株那時雨祥是7500買進來的 注意是台幣 不 是日幣

-- 作者: DJL
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:14pm

Pardon me, Charlot?  I am a MURDERER? {:0(

-- 作者: charlot
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:24pm

[quote][b]下面引用由[u]DJL[/u]在 [i]2003/09/04 11:14pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b]
Pardon me, Charlot?  I am a MURDERER? {:0(
:em04: WHY NOT

-- 作者: DJL
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:25pm

How much is a Taiwanese $ to a Hong Kong $?  Is $7,500 a flowering size Worsleya bulb or just a small bulb?   I have got 15 medium size Worlseya bulbs, all these bulbs are kept in South Africa.  I have also been to the habitats of Worsleya and managed to see the flowers from a long distance.  The slopes are very steep (>70 degrees).  I was not too worried about climbing up but descending from the steep slopes is a suicidal act !  Perhaps I shall post some habitat photos of Worsleya.

-- 作者: charlot
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:31pm

NT$35 about exchange to  US$1.So you can image the price can be ........
Let the flower live in our mind.And it was just a small bulb.
And I know the Worsleya need cool night temperture.So this plants may not good for HK and Taiwan grower.But even this high price flower may not blooming.ButI feel its leave style  is worth to growing as foliage plants.

-- 作者: DJL
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:38pm

Here we go, I have got a habitat picture of Worsleya procera.  Bulbs were found growing in the area marked "Amaryllis".  Don't dare risk my life climbing on these slopes!

-- 作者: rogerjian
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:43pm

這跟長在臺灣東北角石壁上的野白合有得拼了 :)
Change to chinese as you request :P


-- 作者: charlot
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/04 11:51pm

嗯 我覺得 還好耶
比起 我去爬那沙勞越的石灰岩璧 哪幾乎是90度了
這70度 還可以在爬上去.
為了 這高嶺之花 應當是值得的

-- 作者: DJL
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/05 00:05am


Have you got any picture of this 野白合 for me?  Thank you.


-- 作者: rogerjian
-- 發表時間: 2003/09/05 00:25am

Well, 我手上目前沒有百合在岩壁上的照片,
不過, 台灣百合或鐵砲百合在台灣玩家手上應該不少.
And here is this kind of lily in habitat in Hsinchu. Just at the side of country road.


-- 作者: wuf
-- 發表時間: 2003/10/16 12:09pm


-- 作者: wuf
-- 發表時間: 2003/10/16 12:12pm


-- 作者: wuf
-- 發表時間: 2003/10/16 12:33pm


-- 作者: wuf
-- 發表時間: 2003/10/16 12:34pm


-- 作者: wuf
-- 發表時間: 2003/10/16 12:36pm


-- 作者: wuf
-- 發表時間: 2003/10/16 12:39pm


-- 作者: Angdrow
-- 發表時間: 2006/02/28 08:25pm


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